proteus.mprans.MoveMeshMonitor module

class proteus.mprans.MoveMeshMonitor.Coefficients(func, he_min, he_max, ME_MODEL, LS_MODEL=None, useLS=True, nd=2, fixedNodeMaterialTypes=None, fixedElementMaterialTypes=None, noNodeVelocityNodeMaterialTypes=None, nSmoothOut=0, nSmoothIn=0, epsFact_density=0, epsTimeStep=1.0, ntimes_solved=1, grading=1.1, grading_type=0, resetNodeVelocityArray=True, scale_with_nd=False, do_firstStep=True, nullSpace='ConstantNullSpace', initialize=True)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.PoissonEquationCoefficients

Coefficients for deforming the mesh according to an area function

  • func (function) – function of x defining element area

  • he_min (double) – minimum characteristic element size

  • he_max (double) – maximum characteristic element size

  • ME_MODEL (int) – index of this model

  • LS_MODEL (int) – index of LS model for retrieving phi values and refine around free surface

  • nd (int) – number of dimensions

  • fixedNodeMaterialTypes (int[:]) – array of length of all domain node material types, with indexes corresponding to the material type set as: 0 -> not fixed, 1 -> fixed. e.g. if nodes of material type 3 should be fixed: fixedNodeMaterialTypes[3]=1 (!) must be integers

  • fixedElementMaterialTypes (int[:]) – array of length of all domain element material types, with indexes corresponding to the material type set as: 0 -> not fixed, 1 -> fixed. all nodes that have at least one element with fixed material type around them will be fixed

  • noNodeVelocityNodeMaterialTypes (int[:]) – array of length of all domain node material types, with indexes corresponding to the material type set as: 0 -> not fixed, 1 -> fixed. e.g. if nodes of material type 3 should not have a node velocity: fixedNodeMaterialTypes[3]=1 (!) must be integers

  • nSmoothOut (int) – number of smoothing steps after finishing pseudo time stepping

  • nSmoothIn (int) – number of smoothing steps after finishing pseudo time stepping

  • epsFact_density (double) – epsFact*he_min where refinement is the same

  • epsTimeStep (double) – pseudo time step size (0 < epsTimeStep <= 1)

  • grading (double) –

    grading of mesh with distance function. 1.-> no grading, 1.1->10% increase (!) if using grading, func must be a distance function

    otherwise func is an area function

  • grading_type (int) – type of grading: 0 -> no grading 1 -> hyperbolic 2 -> log

  • resetNodeVelocityArray (bool) – reset nodeVelocityArray to zero during prestep if true, otherwise adds up velocity to the existing node velocity. Can be used as False if this model is used in conjunction with another moving mesh model.

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

preStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself before the time step.

postStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself after the time step.

uOfX(x, eN=None)[source]

reaction term

search element containing containing coords x starting with a guessed nearest node

  • x (array_like) – coordinates

  • node (int) – first guess of the nearest node

evaluateFunAtX(x, ls_phi=None, debug=False)[source]

reaction term

getGradientValue(eN, xi)[source]
getAreaValue(eN, xi)[source]
getLevelSetValue(eN, xi)[source]
proteus.mprans.MoveMeshMonitor.calculate_areas(x, detJ, weights)[source]
proteus.mprans.MoveMeshMonitor.calculate_area(x, detJ, weights)[source]