proteus.deim_utils module
utility module for generating deim interpolants
- proteus.deim_utils.read_from_hdf5(hdfFile, label, dof_map=None)[source]
Just grab the array stored in the node with label label and return it If dof_map is not none, use this to map values in the array If dof_map is not none, this determines shape of the output array
- proteus.deim_utils.read_snapshots(archive, nsnap, val_name)[source]
assumes nsnap values of array in val_name are stored in h5file as /val_name’i’ for i=0,nspap-1
loads these into a matrix and returns
- proteus.deim_utils.generate_svd_decomposition(archive, nsnap, val_name, outbase)[source]
assumes nsnap values of array in val_name are stored in h5file as /val_name’i’ for i=0,nspap-1
- loads these into a matrix, performs an SVD, and stores the output in outbase_SVD_basis,
outbase_singular_values in numpy’s binary format
returns U,s,V svd decomposition of snapshots
- proteus.deim_utils.calculate_deim_indices(Uin)[source]
input: Uin n x m array of basis vectors for nonlinear function snapshots output: rho, m vector of indices
ho_i for extracting $ ec F$ values