proteus.default_n module

The default values for numerics modules


The step controller class derived from proteus.StepControl.SC_base


The time integration class derived from :class:`proteus.TimeIntegraction.TI_base


Deprecated, the time integrator class

proteus.default_n.runCFL = 0.9[source]

The maximum CFL for the time step

proteus.default_n.nStagesTime = 1[source]

The number of stages for the time discretization

proteus.default_n.timeOrder = 1[source]

The order of the time discretization

proteus.default_n.DT = 1.0[source]

The time step

proteus.default_n.nDTout = 1[source]

The number of output time steps

proteus.default_n.rtol_u = {0: 0.0001}[source]

A dictionary of relative time integration tolerances for the components

proteus.default_n.atol_u = {0: 0.0001}[source]

A dictionary of absolute time integration tolerances for the components

proteus.default_n.nltol_u = 0.33[source]

The nonlinear tolerance factor for the component error

proteus.default_n.ltol_u = 0.05[source]

The linear tolerance factor for the component error

proteus.default_n.rtol_res = {0: 0.0001}[source]

A dictionary of relative tolerances for the weak residuals

proteus.default_n.atol_res = {0: 0.0001}[source]

A dictionary of absolute tolerances for the weak residuals

proteus.default_n.nl_atol_res = 1.0[source]

The nonlinear residual tolerance

proteus.default_n.l_atol_res = 1.0[source]

The linear residual tolerance

proteus.default_n.femSpaces = {}[source]

A dictionary of the finite element classes for each component

The classes should be of type proteus.FemTools.ParametricFiniteElementSpace

proteus.default_n.elementQuadrature = None[source]

A quadrature object for element integrals

proteus.default_n.elementBoundaryQuadrature = None[source]

A quadrature object for element boundary integrals

proteus.default_n.nn = 3[source]

Number of nodes in each direction for regular grids

proteus.default_n.nnx = None[source]

Number of nodes in the x-direction for regular grids

proteus.default_n.nny = None[source]

Number of nodes in the y-direction for regular grids

proteus.default_n.nnz = None[source]

Number of nodes in the z-direction for regular grids

proteus.default_n.triangleOptions = 'q30DenA'[source]

Options string for triangle or tetGen

proteus.default_n.triangleFlag = 0[source]

Set the diagonal direction when triangulating a quadrilateral mesh

0 - right leaning 1 - alternating ‘union jack’ 2 - left leaning

proteus.default_n.nLevels = 1[source]

Number of levels for multilevel mesh

proteus.default_n.subgridError = None[source]

The subgrid error object of a type derived from proteus.SubgridError.SGE_base

proteus.default_n.massLumping = False[source]

Boolean to lump mass matrix

proteus.default_n.reactionLumping = False[source]

Boolean to lump reaction term

proteus.default_n.shockCapturing = None[source]

The shock capturing diffusion object of a type derived from proteus.ShockCapturing.ShockCapturing_base

proteus.default_n.numericalFluxType = None[source]

A numerical flux class of type proteus.NumericalFlux.NF_base


A multilevel nonlinear solver class of type proteus.NonlinearSolvers.MultilevelNonlinearSolver


A nonlinear solver class of type proteus.NonlinearSolvers.NonlinearSolver

proteus.default_n.nonlinearSmoother = None[source]

A nonlinear solver class of type proteus.NonlinearSolvers.NonlinearSolver

proteus.default_n.fullNewtonFlag = True[source]

Boolean to do full Newton or modified Newton


Norm to use for nonlinear algebraic residual

proteus.default_n.bcsTimeDependent = True[source]

Allow optimizations if boundary conditions are not time dependent

proteus.default_n.adaptMesh = False[source]

Adaptively refine the mesh in space

proteus.default_n.adaptMesh_nSteps = 10[source]

Adapt the mesh every nSteps

proteus.default_n.adaptMesh_numIter = 2[source]

If the mesh adaption algorithm is iterative, do this many iterates