proteus.TwophaseDarcyCoefficients module
An extension of the TransportCoefficients module for two-phase flow in porous media
- class proteus.TwophaseDarcyCoefficients.TwophaseDarcyFlow_base(g=9.8, rhon=1.0, rhow=0.0, mun=1.0, muw=1.0, Ksw=1.0, psk_model='VGM', vg_alpha=5.0, vg_m=0.75, bc_pd=0.18281535648994515, bc_lambda=0.5, omega=1.0, Sw_max=1.0, Sw_min=0.0, density_w_model='Constant', density_n_model='Constant')[source]
Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.
- setMaterialTypes(Ksw_types=[1.0], omega_types=[0.4], Sw_max_types=[1.0], Sw_min_types=[0.0], bc_lambda_types=None, bc_pd_types=None, vg_alpha_types=None, vg_m_types=None)[source]
- initializeMesh(mesh)[source]
Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.
- initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]
Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage
- initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]
Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage
- class proteus.TwophaseDarcyCoefficients.TwophaseDarcy_fc(g=9.8, rhon=1.0, rhow=0.0, mun=1.0, muw=1.0, Ksw=1.0, psk_model='VGM', vg_alpha=5.0, vg_m=0.75, bc_pd=0.18281535648994515, bc_lambda=0.5, omega=1.0, Sw_max=1.0, Sw_min=0.0, density_w_parameters=None, density_n_parameters=None, diagonalHet=False, sparseDiffusionTensors={}, sd=True)[source]
Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.
- class proteus.TwophaseDarcyCoefficients.TwophaseDarcy_split_pressure(g=9.8, rhon=1.0, rhow=0.0, mun=1.0, muw=1.0, Ksw=1.0, psk_model='VGM', vg_alpha=5.0, vg_m=0.75, bc_pd=0.18281535648994515, bc_lambda=0.5, omega=1.0, Sw_max=1.0, Sw_min=0.0, swConstant=0.5, capillaryDiffusionScaling=1.0, nModel=1, diagonalHet=False, sparseDiffusionTensors={}, sd=True)[source]
Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.
- twophaseDarcy_incompressible_split_sd_pressure_het_matType()[source]
Evaluate the pressure coefficients
Use the split fractional flow formulation of incompressible, two-phase Darcy flow for a heterogeneous medium, sparse diffusion rep het
- attachModels(modelList)[source]
Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)
- initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]
Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage
- initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]
Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage
- initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]
Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage
- class proteus.TwophaseDarcyCoefficients.TwophaseDarcy_split_saturation(g=[9.8], rhon=1.0, rhow=1.0, mun=1.0, muw=1.0, Ksw=1.0, psk_model='VGM', vg_alpha=5.0, vg_m=0.75, bc_pd=0.18281535648994515, bc_lambda=0.5, omega=1.0, Sw_max=1.0, Sw_min=0.0, qScalarConstant=1.0, capillaryDiffusionScaling=1.0, nModel=0, diagonalHet=False, sparseDiffusionTensors={}, sd=True)[source]
Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.
- twophaseDarcy_incompressible_split_sd_saturation_het_matType()[source]
Evaluate the saturation coefficients
Use the split fractional flow formulation of incompressible, two-phase Darcy flow for a heterogeneous medium, sparse diffusion rep het
- attachModels(modelList)[source]
Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)
- initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]
Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage
- initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]
Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage
- initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]
Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage