A hierarchy of classes for managing complete numerical solution implementations
Inheritance diagram of proteus.NumericalSolution
Bases: object
The base class for managing the numerical solution of PDE’s.
The constructor must build all the objects required by a numerical method to approximate the solution over a sequence of time intervals.
calculateSolution(runName) carries out the numerical solution.
digraph NumericalSolutionHasA { node [shape=record, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=12]; NS [label="NumericalSolution" URL="\ref NumericalSolution", style="filled", fillcolor="gray"]; mList [label="MultilevelTranportModel [n]" URL="\ref proteus::Transport::MultilevelTransport"]; nsList [label="NonLinearSolver [n] " URL="\ref proteus::NonLinearSolver"]; lsList [label="LinearSolver [n] " URL="\ref proteus::LinearSolver"]; pList [label="Problem Specification [n]" URL="\ref proteus::default_p"]; nList [label="Numerics Specifiation [n]" URL="\ref proteus::default_n"]; sList [label="Output Specification [n]" URL="\ref proteus::SimTools"]; so [label="Coupling Specification " URL="\ref proteus::SO_base"]; ar [label="Archiver" URL="\ref proteus::AR_base"]; NS -> pList [arrowhead="normal", style="dashed", color="purple"]; NS -> nList [arrowhead="normal", style="dashed", color="purple"]; NS -> so [arrowhead="normal", style="dashed", color="purple"]; NS -> sList [arrowhead="normal", style="dashed", color="purple"]; NS -> mList [arrowhead="normal", style="dashed", color="purple"]; NS -> nsList [arrowhead="normal", style="dashed", color="purple"]; NS -> lsList [arrowhead="normal", style="dashed", color="purple"]; NS -> ar [arrowhead="normal", style="dashed", color="purple"]; }
SplitOperator initialize file
List of physics initialize files
List of numerics initialize files
Dictionary of command line arguments
Cacluate the PDEs numerical solution.
runName (str) – A name for the calculated solution.