proteus.TransportCoefficients module

Classes for implementing the coefficients of transport equations.

TC_base defines the interface. The classes derived from TC_base in this module define common PDE’s.

Inheritance diagram of proteus.TransportCoefficients

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base(nc=2, mass={}, advection={}, diffusion={}, potential={}, reaction={}, hamiltonian={}, variableNames=None, stress={}, sparseDiffusionTensors={}, useSparseDiffusion=True, movingDomain=False)[source]

Bases: object

This is the base class for coefficients of the vector transport equation with nc components. The coefficients and their derivative are evaluated at a time t over an array of solution values, u, at an array of points x.


evaluate(t,c) – t, time, is a float, c is a dictionary of x,u, and coefficients


nc – (number of components) integer mass – ({{}} logically nc x nc) ‘linear’ or ‘nonlinear’ advection – ({{}} logically nc x nc) ‘constant’, ‘linear’ or ‘nonlinear’ diffusion – ({{{}}} logically nc x nc x nc) ‘constant’ or ‘nonlinear’ potential – ({{}} logically nc x nc) ‘u’ or ‘nonlinear’ reaction – ({{}} logically nc x nc) ‘constant’,’linear’, or ‘nonlinear’ hamiltonian – ({{}} logically nx x nc) ‘linear’ or ‘nonlinear’ stencil – ([set(),] nc x nc) indicates jacobian block structure variableNames – (number of components) string describing the component

These dictionaries indicate which coefficients are nonzero and how the non-zero coefficietns depend on the solution variables. The dictionaries will be used like sparse multi-dimensional arrays. These flags are used to deduce the terms in the PDE and allow optimizations in special cases. Non-existant values imply that the equation for that component has no term corresponding to the given coefficient.


a_{i,j} = 1

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGeneralizedInterpolationPointQuadrature(t, cip)[source]

Give the TC object access to the generalized interpolation point storage. These points are used to project nonlinear potentials (phi).

updateToMovingDomain(t, c)[source]

Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

preStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself before the time step.

postStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself after the time step.

allocateDummyCoefficients(c=None, nPoints=101, uMax=1.0, uMin=0.0, nSpace=1)[source]

Allocate some coefficient dictionaries to use for viewing the coefficients

plotCoefficientFunctions(t, ctemp)[source]

Plot the coefficients

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.LinearVADR_ConstantCoefficients(nc=1, M=[0], A=[0], B=[0], C=[0], rFunc=None, useSparseDiffusion=True)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

This class implements constant coefficients with no cross-component diffusion for a system of advection-diffuion-reaction equations.

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.LinearVADR_ConstantCoefficients_skew(nc=1, M=0, A=0, B=0, C=0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

This class implements constant coefficients for a skew symmetric system, mainly for testing and debugging

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.LinearVADR_ConstantCoefficients_upper(nc=1, M=0, A=0, B=0, C=0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

This class implements constant coefficients with upper diagonal coupling

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.LinearVADR_ConstantCoefficients_lower(nc=1, M=0, A=0, B=0, C=0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

This class implements constant coefficients with lower diagonal coupling

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.LinearVADR_ConstantCoefficients_full(nc=1, M=0, A=0, B=0, C=0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

This class implements constant coefficients with full coupling

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.NonlinearVADR_pqrst(nc=1, M={0: 0.0}, A={0: 1.0}, B={0: 0.0}, C={0: 0.0}, p={0: 1.0}, q={0: 1.0}, r={0: 1.0}, s={0: 1.0}, t={0: 0.0})[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

This class implements simple monomial nonlinear coefficients with no cross-component diffusion for a system of advection-diffuion-reaction equations.

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.NonlinearVADR_pqrst_full(nc=1, M={0: 0.0}, A={0: 1.0}, B={0: 0.0}, C={0: 0.0}, p={0: 1.0}, q={0: 1.0}, r={0: 1.0}, s={0: 1.0}, t={0: 0.0})[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

This class implements the simple nonlinear ADR equation with full coupling

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.UnitSquareRotation[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Conservative linear advection with a rotating velocity field

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.UnitCubeRotation[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Conservative linear advection with a rotating velocity field in 3d

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.NavierStokes(rho=998.2, nu=1.004e-06, g=[0.0, 9.8], nd=2)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

The coefficients for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ShallowWater(g=9.8, nd=1, h_eps=1e-08, bedFrictionCoefficient=0.0, bedFrictionPower=1.0, bathymetryFunc=None, bathymetryGradientFunc=None, eddyViscosity=0.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

The coefficients for the shallow water equations.

Right hand side for bed friction looks like \(-\tau_b/\rho\) where the bed friction stress is

\[\tau_b = \rho C_f \vec u \|\vec u\| C_f = g b/h^{a}\]

\(b = n^2\) for Mannings law –> bedFrictionCoefficient \(a = 1/3\) for Mannings law –> bedFrictionPower

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGeneralizedInterpolationPointQuadrature(t, cip)[source]

Give the TC object access to the generalized interpolation point storage. These points are used to project nonlinear potentials (phi).

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.DiscreteLaplaceOperator(nd=2, nu=1.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

A coefficient class to construct the discrete Laplace Operator.

This class defines the coefficients necessary to construct the discrete Laplace operator \(A\) where

\[a^{c}_{i,j} = \int_{T} \nabla \phi^{c}_{i} \cdot \nabla \phi^{c}_{j} dT\]

for all \(T \in \Omega\), \(c=1,...,nc\) and \(\phi^{c}_{i}, i=1,...,k\) is a basis for component \(c\).

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.Stokes(rho=998.2, nu=1.004e-06, g=[0.0, 9.8], nd=2, steady=True, weakBoundaryConditions=True)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

The coefficients for the Stokes equations.

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.StokesP(rho=998.2, nu=1.004e-06, g=[0.0, 9.8], nd=2, steady=True)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

The coefficients for the Stokes equations.

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.TwophaseNavierStokes_LS_SO(epsFact=1.5, rho_0=998.2, nu_0=1.004e-06, rho_1=1.205, nu_1=1.5e-05, g=[0.0, - 9.8], nd=2, LS_model=None)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

The coefficients for two incompresslble fluids governed by the Navier-Stokes equations and separated by a sharp interface represented by a level set function

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.TwophaseNavierStokes_ST_LS_SO(epsFact=1.5, sigma=72.8, rho_0=998.2, nu_0=1.004e-06, rho_1=1.205, nu_1=1.5e-05, g=[0.0, - 9.8], nd=2, LS_model=None, KN_model=None, epsFact_density=None, stokes=False, sd=True, movingDomain=False, useRBLES=0.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

The coefficients for two incompresslble fluids governed by the Navier-Stokes equations and separated by a sharp interface represented by a level set function

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

updateToMovingDomain(t, c)[source]
evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ThreephaseNavierStokes_ST_LS_SO(epsFact=1.5, sigma=72.8, rho_0=998.2, nu_0=1.004e-06, rho_1=1.205, nu_1=1.5e-05, rho_s=998.2, nu_s=1.004e-06, g=[0.0, - 9.8], nd=2, LS_model=None, KN_model=None, epsFact_density=None, defaultSolidProfile=None, defaultFluidProfile=None, stokes=False, ptsFile=None, boundaryPenaltyCoef=1.0, volumePenaltyCoef=1000.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

The coefficients for two incompresslble fluids governed by the Navier-Stokes equations and separated by a sharp interface represented by a level set function

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.TwophaseStokes_LS_SO(epsFact=1.5, rho_0=998.2, nu_0=1.005e-06, rho_1=1.205, nu_1=1.5e-05, g=[0.0, - 9.8], nd=2, LS_model=1, steady=False)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

The coefficients for two incompresslble fluids governed by the Stokes equations and seperated by a sharp interface represented by a level set function

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.TwophaseNavierStokes_VOF_SO(epsFact=1.5, rho_0=998.2, nu_0=1.004e-06, rho_1=1.205, nu_1=1.5e-05, g=[0.0, - 9.8], nd=2, LS_model=1)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

The coefficients for two incompresslble fluids governed by the Navier-Stokes equations and separated by a sharp interface represented by a volume of fluid (volume fraction) function

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.TwophaseStokes_VOF_SO(epsFact=1.5, rho_0=998.2, nu_0=1.005e-06, rho_1=1.205, nu_1=1.5e-05, g=[0.0, 9.8], nd=2, LS_model=1, steady=False)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

The coefficients for two incompresslble fluids governed by the Stokes equations and seperated by a sharp interface represented by a volume of fluid function

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.NCLevelSetCoefficients(V_model=0, RD_model=None, ME_model=1, checkMass=True, epsFact=1.5)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

preStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself before the time step.

postStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself after the time step.

updateToMovingDomain(t, c)[source]
evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.CLevelSetCoefficients(V_model=0, RD_model=- 1, ME_model=1, checkMass=True)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

preStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself before the time step.

postStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself after the time step.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.VOFCoefficients(LS_model=- 1, V_model=0, RD_model=- 1, ME_model=1, checkMass=True, epsFact=0.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

preStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself before the time step.

postStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself after the time step.

updateToMovingDomain(t, c)[source]
evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.LevelSetNormalCoefficients(epsFact=1.5, LSModel_index=- 1, phi_func=None)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.LevelSetCurvatureCoefficients(epsFact=0.0, LSModel_index=3, grad_phi_func=None, sd=True, nd=None)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.LevelSetConservation(applyCorrection=True, epsFactHeaviside=0.0, epsFactDirac=1.0, epsFactDiffusion=2.0, LSModel_index=3, V_model=2, me_model=5, VOFModel_index=4, checkMass=True, sd=True, nd=None, applyCorrectionToDOF=True)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

preStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself before the time step.

postStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself after the time step.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeHeadRichardsL2projMualemVanGenuchten(hydraulicConductivity, gravity, density, thetaS, thetaR, alpha, n, m)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeHeadRichardsL2projMualemVanGenuchtenBlockHet(hydraulicConductivity, gravity, density, setParamsFunc)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeHeadRichardsMualemVanGenuchten(hydraulicConductivity, gravity, density, thetaS, thetaR, alpha, n, m, beta=0.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeSatRichardsMualemVanGenuchten(hydraulicConductivity, gravity, density, thetaS, thetaR, alpha, n, m)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeTotalHeadRichardsMualemVanGenuchten(hydraulicConductivity, gravity, density, thetaS, thetaR, alpha, n, m)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

proteus.TransportCoefficients.VGM_to_BCB_Simple(vgm_alpha, vgm_n)[source]
proteus.TransportCoefficients.BCB_to_VGM_Simple(bcb_pd, bcb_lambda)[source]
proteus.TransportCoefficients.VGM_to_BCB_Johns(vgm_alpha, vgm_n)[source]
proteus.TransportCoefficients.VGM_to_BCB_MorelSeytoux(vgm_alpha, vgm_n)[source]
class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeHeadRichardsBrooksCoreyBurdine(hydraulicConductivity, gravity, density, thetaS, thetaR, lambdab, pd, beta=0.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeHeadRichardsMualemVanGenuchtenHet(hydraulicConductivity, gravity, density, thetaS, thetaR, alpha, n, m)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeHeadRichardsBrooksCoreyBurdineHet(hydraulicConductivity, gravity, density, setParamsFunc)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeHeadRichardsMualemVanGenuchtenBlockHet(hydraulicConductivity, gravity, density, setParamsFunc)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeHeadRichardsMualemVanGenuchtenBlockHetV2(Ks_block, vgm_n_block, vgm_alpha_block, thetaR_block, thetaSR_block, gravity, density, beta)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

version of Re where element material type id’s used in evals

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.SeepageBrezis(Ks_block, vgm_n_block, vgm_alpha_block, thetaR_block, thetaSR_block, gravity, density, beta, epsFact=1.5)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

version of Re where element material type id’s used in evals

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeHeadRichardsJLeverett(phi_block, psiD_block, ns_block, nk_block, S_wirr_block, S_nwr_block, kr0_block, gravity, density, beta)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

version of Re where element material type id’s used in evals

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeHeadRichardsJLeverettAni(phi_block, psiD_block, ns_block, nk_block, S_wirr_block, S_nwr_block, kr0x_block, kr0y_block, kr0z_block, gravity, density, beta)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

version of Re where element material type id’s used in evals

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConstantVelocityLevelSet(b=[1.0, 0.0], lsModelId=0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.UnitSquareVortexLevelSet[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.RotatingVelocityLevelSet[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.EikonalEquationCoefficients(rhsval=1.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.RedistanceLevelSet(applyRedistancing=True, epsFact=2.0, nModelId=None, u0=None, rdModelId=0, penaltyParameter=0.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

preStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself before the time step.

postStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself after the time step.

updateToMovingDomain(t, c)[source]
evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

static setZeroLSweakDirichletBCs(vt)[source]
static setZeroLSweakDirichletBCs2(vt)[source]
static setZeroLSweakDirichletBCs3(vt)[source]
class proteus.TransportCoefficients.RedistanceLevelSetWithWeakPenalty(applyRedistancing=True, epsFact=2.0, penaltyParameter=1.0, nModelId=None, u0=None, rdModelId=0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.RedistanceLevelSet

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.RedistanceLevelSetSandF(applyRedistancing=True, epsFact=2.0, nModelId=1, u0=None, rdModelId=- 1, vofModelId=4, massCorrModelId=5, checkMass=True)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.RedistanceLevelSet

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeHead2PMualemVanGenuchten(hydraulicConductivity, gravity, density, thetaS, thetaR, alpha, n, m)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.PoissonEquationCoefficients(aOfX, fOfX, nc=1, nd=2, l2proj=None, timeVaryingCoefficients=False)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.LinearElasticity(E=1.0, nu=0.75, g=[0.0, 9.8], nd=2)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.MovingMesh(E=1.0, nu=0.3, g=[0.0, 0.0], nd=2, moveMesh=True)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

postStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself after the time step.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.kEpsilon(flowModelID=0, nd=2, c_mu=0.09, c_1=0.126, c_2=1.92, c_epsilon=0.07, sigma_k=1.0, sigma_e=1.29, g=[0.0, - 9.8], nu=1.004e-06, rho=998.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Basic k-epsilon model for incompressible flow from Hutter etal Chaper 11

\(\bar{\vec v} = <\vec v>\) Reynolds-averaged (mean) velocity \(\vec v^{'} =\) turbulent fluctuation

assume \(\vec v = <\vec v> + \vec v^{'}\), with \(<\vec v^{'}> = 0\)

Reynolds averaged NS equations

\[\deld \bar{\vec v} = 0\]
\[\pd{\bar{\vec v}}{t} + \deld \left(\bar{\vec v} \outer \bar{\vec v}\right) -\nu \deld \ten \bar{D} + \frac{1}{\rho}\grad \bar p - \frac{1}{rho}\deld \ten{R} = 0\]

Reynolds stress term

\[\ten R = -\rho <\vec v^{'}\outer \vec v^{'}> \frac{1}{\rho}\ten{R} = 2 \nu_t \bar{D} - \frac{2}{3}k\ten{I} D_{ij}(\vec v) = \frac{1}{2} \left( \pd{v_i}{x_j} + \pd{v_j}{x_i}) \ten D \bar{\ten D} = D(<\vec v>), \ten D^{'} = \ten D(\vec v^{'})\]

k-epsilon tranport equations

\[\pd{k}{t} + \deld (k\bar{\vec v}) - \deld\left[\left(\frac{\nu_t}{\sigma_k} + \nu\right)\grad k \right] - 4\nu_t \Pi_{D} + \epsilon = 0\]
\[\pd{\varepsilon}{t} + \deld (\varepsilon \bar{\vec v}) - \deld\left[\left(\frac{\nu_t}{\sigma_\varepsilon} + \nu\right)\grad \varepsilon \right] - 4c_1 k \Pi_{D} + c_2 \frac{\epsilon^2}{k} = 0\]

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.kEpsilon_k(flowModelID=0, epsilonModelID=2, nd=2, c_mu=0.09, sigma_k=1.0, g=[0.0, - 9.8], nu=1.004e-06, rho=998.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Basic k-epsilon model for incompressible flow from Hutter etal Chaper 11 but solves for just k assuming epsilon computed independently and lagged in time

\(\bar{\vec v} = <\vec v>\) Reynolds-averaged (mean) velocity

\(\vec v^{'} =\) turbulent fluctuation

assume \(\vec v = <\vec v> + \vec v^{'}\), with \(<\vec v^{'}> = 0\)

Reynolds averaged NS equations

\[\deld \bar{\vec v} = 0 \pd{\bar{\vec v}}{t} + \deld \left(\bar{\vec v} \outer \bar{\vec v}\right) -\nu \deld \ten \bar{D} + \frac{1}{\rho}\grad \bar p - \frac{1}{rho}\deld \ten{R} = 0\]

Reynolds stress term

\[\ten R = -\rho <\vec v^{'}\outer \vec v^{'}> \frac{1}{\rho}\ten{R} = 2 \nu_t \bar{D} - \frac{2}{3}k\ten{I} D_{ij}(\vec v) = \frac{1}{2} \left( \pd{v_i}{x_j} + \pd{v_j}{x_i}) \ten D \bar{\ten D} = D(<\vec v>), \ten D^{'} = \ten D(\vec v^{'})\]

k-epsilon tranport equations

\[\pd{k}{t} + \deld (k\bar{\vec v}) - \deld\left[\left(\frac{\nu_t}{\sigma_k} + \nu\right)\grad k \right] - 4\nu_t \Pi_{D} + \epsilon = 0 \pd{\varepsilon}{t} + \deld (\varepsilon \bar{\vec v}) - \deld\left[\left(\frac{\nu_t}{\sigma_\varepsilon} + \nu\right)\grad \varepsilon \right] - 4c_1 k \Pi_{D} + c_2 \frac{\epsilon^2}{k} = 0\]

\(k\) – turbulent kinetic energy = <vec v^{‘}dot vec v^{‘}> \(\varepsilon\) – turbulent dissipation rate = 4 nu <Pi_{D^{‘}}> \(\nu\) – kinematic viscosity (mu/rho) \(\nu_t\) – turbulent viscosity = c_mu frac{k^2}{varepsilon}

\[\Pi_{\ten A} = \frac{1}{2}tr(\ten A^2) = 1/2 \ten A\cdot \ten A \ten D \cdot \ten D = \frac{1}{4}\left[ (4 u_x^2 + 4 v_y^2 + 1/2 (u_y + v_x)^2 \right] 4 \Pi_{D} = 2 \frac{1}{4}\left[ (4 u_x^2 + 4 v_y^2 + 1/2 (u_y + v_x)^2 \right] = \left[ (2 u_x^2 + 2 v_y^2 + (u_y + v_x)^2 \right]\]

\(\sigma_k\) – Prandtl number approx 1 \(\sigma_e\) – c_{mu}/c_e

\[c_{\mu} = 0.09, c_1 = 0.126, c_2 = 1.92, c_{\varepsilon} = 0.07\]

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.kEpsilon_epsilon(flowModelID=0, kModelID=1, nd=2, c_mu=0.09, c_1=0.126, c_2=1.92, c_epsilon=0.07, sigma_e=1.29, g=[0.0, - 9.8], nu=1.004e-06, rho=998.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Basic k-epsilon model for incompressible flow from Hutter etal Chaper 11 but solves for just epsilon assuming k lagged

\(\bar{\vec v} = <\vec v>\) Reynolds-averaged (mean) velocity

\(\vec v^{'}\) = turbulent fluctuation

assume \(\vec v = <\vec v> + \vec v^{'}\), with \(<\vec v^{'}> = 0\)

Reynolds averaged NS equations

\[\deld \bar{\vec v} = 0 \pd{\bar{\vec v}}{t} + \deld \left(\bar{\vec v} \outer \bar{\vec v}\right) -\nu \deld \ten \bar{D} + \frac{1}{\rho}\grad \bar p - \frac{1}{rho}\deld \ten{R} = 0\]

Reynolds stress term

\[\ten R = -\rho <\vec v^{'}\outer \vec v^{'}> \frac{1}{\rho}\ten{R} = 2 \nu_t \bar{D} - \frac{2}{3}k\ten{I} D_{ij}(\vec v) = \frac{1}{2} \left( \pd{v_i}{x_j} + \pd{v_j}{x_i}) \ten D \bar{\ten D} = D(<\vec v>), \ten D^{'} = \ten D(\vec v^{'})\]

k-epsilon tranport equations

\[\pd{k}{t} + \deld (k\bar{\vec v}) - \deld\left[\left(\frac{\nu_t}{\sigma_k} + \nu\right)\grad k \right] - 4\nu_t \Pi_{D} + \epsilon = 0\]
\[\pd{\varepsilon}{t} + \deld (\varepsilon \bar{\vec v}) - \deld\left[\left(\frac{\nu_t}{\sigma_\varepsilon} + \nu\right)\grad \varepsilon \right] - 4c_1 k \Pi_{D} + c_2 \frac{\epsilon^2}{k} = 0\]

\(k\) – turbulent kinetic energy = <vec v^{‘}dot vec v^{‘}> \(\varepsilon\) – turbulent dissipation rate = 4 nu <Pi_{D^{‘}}> \(\nu\) – kinematic viscosity (mu/rho) \(\nu_t\) – turbulent viscosity = c_mu frac{k^2}{varepsilon}

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\Pi_{\ten A} = \frac{1}{2}tr(\ten A^2) = 1/2 \ten A\cdot \ten A \ten D \cdot \ten D = \frac{1}{4}\left[ (4 u_x^2 + 4 v_y^2 + 1/2 (u_y + v_x)^2 \right]\\ 4 \Pi_{D} = 2 \frac{1}{4}\left[ (4 u_x^2 + 4 v_y^2 + 1/2 (u_y + v_x)^2 \right] = \left[ (2 u_x^2 + 2 v_y^2 + (u_y + v_x)^2 \right]\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

\(\sigma_k\) – Prandtl number approx 1 \(\sigma_e\)\(c_{\mu}/c_e\)

:math:c_{mu} = 0.09, c_1 = 0.126, c_2 = 1.92, c_{varepsilon} = 0.07`

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ReynoldsAveragedNavierStokes_kEpsilon(epsFact=1.5, sigma=72.8, rho_0=998.2, nu_0=1.004e-06, rho_1=1.205, nu_1=1.5e-05, g=[0.0, - 9.8], nd=2, LS_model=None, KN_model=None, epsFact_density=None, stokes=False, sd=True, movingDomain=False, c_mu=0.09, KEmodelID=None)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TwophaseNavierStokes_ST_LS_SO

The coefficients for incompresslble fluid governed by the Navier-Stokes equations assuming k-epsilon model for turbulence

KEmodelID = [m1,m2] if using two separate models for k and epsilon otherwise should be just an integer id

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ReynoldsAveragedNavierStokes_AlgebraicClosure(epsFact=1.5, sigma=72.8, rho_0=998.2, nu_0=1.004e-06, rho_1=1.205, nu_1=1.5e-05, g=[0.0, - 9.8], nd=2, LS_model=None, KN_model=None, epsFact_density=None, stokes=False, sd=True, movingDomain=False, turbulenceClosureFlag=None)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TwophaseNavierStokes_ST_LS_SO

The coefficients for incompresslble fluid governed by the Navier-Stokes equations assuming k-epsilon model for turbulence

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.TwophaseReynoldsAveragedNavierStokes_AlgebraicClosure(epsFact=1.5, sigma=72.8, rho_0=998.2, nu_0=1.004e-06, rho_1=1.205, nu_1=1.5e-05, g=[0.0, - 9.8], nd=2, LS_model=None, KN_model=None, epsFact_density=None, stokes=False, sd=True, movingDomain=False, turbulenceClosureFlag=None, smagorinskyConstant_0=0.1, smagorinskyConstant_1=0.1, epsFact_smagorinsky=0.33)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TwophaseNavierStokes_ST_LS_SO

The coefficients for incompresslble fluid governed by the Navier-Stokes equations assuming k-epsilon model for turbulence

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

preStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself before the time step.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ViscousBurgersEqn(v=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], nu=0.0, nc=1, nd=3, useHJ=False)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.BuckleyLeverettLiuExample(nu=0.0, nc=1, nd=2)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

5 spot example from Liu 93 Siam paper.

S_t + deld (

ec a f(S)) = 0

f(S) = S^2 / (0.2 - 0.4 S + 1.2 S^2)

ec a = (pd{phi}{x},pd{phi}{y})

phi = 0.01 log(sqrt{x^2 + y^2})

However, note that his example is for S=0 injecting into S=1 background saturation using his definition of f

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.VolumeAveragedNavierStokesFullDevStress(rho=998.2, mu=0.001, g=[0.0, - 9.8], nd=2, meanGrainSize=0.01, setParamsFunc=None, stokesOnly=False, meanGrainSizeTypes=None, porosityTypes=None)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

The coefficients for incompressible fluid in a porous domain governed by the Navier-Stokes equations

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGeneralizedInterpolationPointQuadrature(t, cip)[source]

Give the TC object access to the generalized interpolation point storage. These points are used to project nonlinear potentials (phi).

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.VolumeAveragedTwophaseNavierStokes(epsFact=1.5, sigma=72.8, rho_0=998.2, nu_0=1.004e-06, rho_1=1.205, nu_1=1.5e-05, g=[0.0, - 9.8], nd=2, LS_model=3, KN_model=None, epsFact_density=None, meanGrainSize=0.01, setParamsFunc=None, stokes=False, sd=True, movingDomain=False, turbulenceClosureFlag=None, smagorinskyConstant_0=0.1, smagorinskyConstant_1=0.1, epsFact_smagorinsky=0.33, meanGrainSizeTypes=None, porosityTypes=None, killNonlinearDrag=False, epsFact_source=1.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TwophaseReynoldsAveragedNavierStokes_AlgebraicClosure

The coefficients for two incompresslble fluids governed by the Navier-Stokes equations and separated by a sharp interface represented by a level set function

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

preStep(t, firstStep=False)[source]

Give the TC object an opportunity to modify itself before the time step.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.VolumeAveragedVOFCoefficients(LS_model=- 1, V_model=0, RD_model=- 1, ME_model=1, checkMass=True, epsFact=0.0, setParamsFunc=None)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.VOFCoefficients

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.GroundwaterTransportCoefficients(nc=1, omega=0.3, alpha_L=1.0, alpha_T=0.2, d=1.3e-09)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.GroundwaterBiodegradation01Coefficients(omega=0.3, alpha_L=1.0, alpha_T=0.2, d_c=1.3e-09, d_e=1.3e-09, Kox_max=100.0, Kox_C=0.1, Kox_E=0.1, Kox_X=0.0035, Yield=0.05, k_d=0.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.GroundwaterBryantDawsonIonExCoefficients(omega=0.3, alpha_L=1.0, alpha_T=0.2, d_m=1.3e-09, d_h=1.3e-09, K_m=1.0, K_h=1.0, K_w=1.0, Z_tot=100.0)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.ConservativeHeadRichardsMualemVanGenuchtenBlockHetV2withUpwind(nd, Ks_block, vgm_n_block, vgm_alpha_block, thetaR_block, thetaSR_block, gravity, density, beta, upwindFlag=0, sd=False)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

version of Re where element material type id’s used in evals

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.DiffusiveWave_1D(alpha=1.6666666666666667, gamma=0.5, epsilon=1e-06, bathymetryFunc=None, reactionFunc=None, analyticalSoln=None)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Construct a coefficients object given the parameters of the Manning/Chezy formula and the regularization parameter.

Optionally provide a function for bathymetry, right hand side (source), and an analytical solution. The


Set the y component of the 1D mesh using the bathymetry function.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Set the y component of the element quadrature points using the bathymetry function.

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Set the y component of the element boundary quadrature points using the bathymetry function.

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Set the y component of the exterior element boundary quadrature points using the bathymetry function.

initializeGeneralizedInterpolationPointQuadrature(t, cip)[source]

Set the y component of the generlatized interpolation points using the bathymetry function.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluated the coefficients of the 1D diffusive wave model.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.DiffusiveWave_2D(nd=2, alpha=1.6666666666666667, gamma=0.5, epsilon=1e-06, bathymetryFunc=None, bathymetryGradientFunc=None)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Construct a coefficients object given the parameters of the Manning/Chezy formula and the regularization parameter.

Optionally provide a function for bathymetry, right hand side (source), and an analytical solution. The


Give the TC object access to the mesh for any mesh-dependent information.

initializeElementQuadrature(t, cq)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element quadrature storage

initializeElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebq, cebq_global)[source]

Give the TC object access to the element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGlobalExteriorElementBoundaryQuadrature(t, cebqe)[source]

Give the TC object access to the exterior element boundary quadrature storage

initializeGeneralizedInterpolationPointQuadrature(t, cip)[source]

Give the TC object access to the generalized interpolation point storage. These points are used to project nonlinear potentials (phi).

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluated the coefficients of the 2D diffusive wave model.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.DiscreteMassMatrix(rho=1.0, nd=2)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

Coefficients class for the discrete Mass Operator.

This class defines the coefficients necessary to construct the discrete mass operator \(A\) where

\[a^{c}_{i,j} = \int_{T} \phi^{c}_{i} \phi^{c}_{j} dT\]

for all \(T \in \Omega\), \(c=1,...,nc\) and \(\phi^{c}_{i}, i=1,...,k\) is a basis for component \(c\).

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.

class proteus.TransportCoefficients.DiscreteTwoPhaseAdvectionOperator(u, nd=2, rho_0=1.0, nu_0=1.0, rho_1=1.0, nu_1=1.0, eps=1e-08, LS_model=None, phase_function=None)[source]

Bases: proteus.TransportCoefficients.TC_base

A coefficient class to build the discrete advection operator.

This class defines the coefficients necessary to construct the discrete advection operator \(N\) where

\[n^{c}_{i,j} = \int_{T} (\mathbf{w}_{h} \phi_{j}) \cdot \nabla \phi_{i} d T\]

for all \(T \in \Omega\), \(c = 0,\) and \(phi^{c}_{i}\), i=0,cdot k-1 is a basis component for \(c\). Also note, \(\mathbf{w}_{h}\) is a vector field (often the solution from the last non-linear iteration).

  • nd (int) – The dimension of the physical domain

  • u (numpy array) – An array of arrays with the advective field evaluated at the quadrature points.

Set the number of components (equations) of the PDE and initialize the dicitionaries describing the form of the coefficients. Strings naming each component (used for viewing and archiving) and a structure defining the sparsity pattern of diffusion tensors may also be provided.


Give the TC object access to other models in a loosely coupled split operator formulation (e.g. a transport equation for concentration might get velocity from a flow equation)

evaluate(t, c)[source]

Evaluate the coefficients at a given time, t, using the coefficient storage passed in as the dictionary c.